The beginning of all the rest of our time is … now.
The beginning of all the rest of our space is … here.
Now, here—nowhere—
A quiet convergence of all that is dear.
The in-breath marks the beginning of time
Gathering in all the new, the fresh, the gold.
The out-breath marks the end of time, scattering out--,
the worn, the used, the old.
And in the space between the in and the out,
There lies a pause of grace and reflection,
A moment of growth, of change in perspective,
allowing for spiritual transformation.
Breathing in, we begin the rest of our life, our mystery
Breathing out, we let go of what’s past, our history
Breathing in, we collect what is needed anew.
Breathing out, we release all that is faded and used.
Breathing in, breathing out—
The beginning is now. the beginning is here,
The beginning is now here or is it nowhere?
The words are the same but the meanings are not.
Around and around, this cycle unfolds,
A rhythm eternal, a pattern that holds.
All time and all space revolve around this:
A meditation on beginnings and finding your bliss.
An excellent poem Paulette, that deeply resonates with me, I was pleased to see it here today as I really couldn't concentrate at Poetry Club, I was equally captivated by our reading tone and manner,
Thank you.
Exactly what it says on the tin - a real meditation that made me breathe along with it. mixing time, space, and mindfulness. Good stuff
Wonderful hearing you reading this last night!
Well written and soothing.