I am a long- retired teacher of children with special needs in one of the best comprehensive schools in Wales. I have had Parkinsons for 41 years, and am in the last stage of the condition. Now, totally immobile except for my left hand index finger with which I type, I am confined to my chair, moved from room to bedroom first by being hoisted to my wheelchair, then wheeled to my bedroom and lastly hoisted from the wheelchair onto the bed, where I remain in the position I am placed in until morning. I do not move at all!
The best part of my daily routine is spent in reading and improving the hundreds of poems I have written. I also enjoy reading books with audio narrationon.
In 1991 I had a book published, written for the proceeds to benefit the PDS, as it then was named.
The book,”Wading Through Deep Water” was an anthology of poems, by thirty well known, accomplished poets , each of whom;donated one of their poems, not necessarily with Parkinsons as its subject, for publication in an anthology, compiled by me for the benefit of the Parkinsons Disease Society, as it then was.The list included three of my poems, and to have them produced in the company of such giants of the art gave me enormous pleasure.
some contributors included were:-
Seamus Heaney
Margaret Atwood
Andrew Motion (Poet Laureate at the time of publication)
Roger McGough
Danny Abse
Owen Shears
Also included were seven prosaic sections written in conversation style between me and A. N. Other in which I give information about Parkinsons
The books were quickly sold, and unless you find a used book on Amazon, which they are quite often,they are no longer available.
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Valerie Bowden