On the edge of the forest
In sight of the sea
The villages lay
All kin, all family
Peaceful and kind
Generous to all
Only into trees
Their axes did fall
Everyone used,
the boats that they had
When the fishing was good
Or the forest when bad
Peaceful and kind
Generous to all
Only into trees
Their axes did fall
The Fates looked upon them
Their tranquil ideal. They villages needed direction
The Fates web they did spin
And what a wonderful web they did spin
Move forward a century
Web spinning takes time
Viking raids came often
To the small Village line
Rurik the Redhead, to the coast he did sail
Landing to plunder, his attack could not fail
But others had been there just days before
The village had riches no more
The from the forest, an Elder appeared
‘I am a Galdr, and the Gods brought you to these doors
Odin himself, has said through my Runes
Your fate is to prosper, these villages are yours
He looked at his men, on each face was a smile
They knew what their Master would do
He would fight to the death, the strongest of men
But to upset the Aesir, he just would not do
What is this place, it must have a name?
That village is over there, they call us the same
So what name is this village, come let me hear
Yes, you are right Sir, this village is here
No longer will those names are to be used
Novgorod is now your name
And it it Ruled by Rurik the Rus
In return my protection you gain
Rurik protected, his land grew in size
His adventures were planned
In the Fates watchful eyes
Though like all mortals he eventually dies
His sons carried on expanding the land
Creating a Princedom for the Grandson of The Rus
Vladimir inherited a land of his own
His city of Kiev, was a sight for all eyes
The East Roman Empire, still held its wealth
Vladimir decided to take it by stealth
His spies he would send, in the form of bodyguards
To protect Constantine, and the young Emperor’s crown
Constantine observed his protectors, over time
Varangian raiders, Vikings to you
And noticed the Hammers of Thor were entwined
Around the neck of each raider, so true
Tell me about your Hammer shaped adorn
It symbolises Thor, the Mariners Guard
Is it him that you go to? When you no longer live
No, that is Hela, she watches the dead
On such conversations mans tale has to change
To his craftsmen he called to their boss
Make me a Hammer, just like my guards
Then turn it around to the shape if a cross
Calling his priests, to them he did tell
Every sinner, now goes straight to Hell
To Vladimir he sister he wedded, provided
To Kiev Christianity came
This chore Vladimir for his bride he provided
Vladimir the Great he became