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Dustbin #2 the sequel

Writer's picture: markcrump2010markcrump2010

A quick recap …..dustbin number one


Have you ever tried to throw away a dustbin? ……….

It’s not that easy as I’m about to tell,

I’ve had one on the pavement outside the house for the last two weeks,

some of the neighbours have started complaining about the smell.

The binmen won’t touch it,

I’m not sure if it’s some sort of ethical quandary,

Or part of some unspoken, refuse collectors code,

But twice now they’ve taken off the lid and when they see that it’s empty,

they just leave it on the side of the road.

I put a sign on it,

“Please dispose of this” it said,

I watched out the window to see what they’d do,

sure enough they left the bin and took the sign instead.

Now, I’m an easygoing but determined man,.

and I’m not the sort to give in,

so I’ve come up with a cunning plan,

and I’ve been and got myself another ,much bigger bin.

to put the other bin in,

do you see where I’m going with this, ?

it’s bin day on Thursday,

I’ll let you know .

Dustbin #2

The following Thursday

I put the old dustbin inside the new much bigger bin,

and put a couple of 1/2 full rubbish bags on top,

I watched as they tipped it into the back of the truck,

they were just about to crush it when someone shouted,” STOP”.

He turned off the crusher and said “that’s a bit of luck,

you’re dustbin was almost squashed flat “,

he hauled it out of the back of the truck,

and said “there you go, you should get a bit more use out of that “.

He set it down by the side of the road,

and moved on to the neighbours bins,

maybe there is some sort of refuse collectors code,

but now I was even more determined, not to give in.

It was time to get inventive,

this old dustbin has got to go,

I need to devise a plan, to help me ‘can the can’,

if you’ll forgive me for paraphrasing Suzi Quattro.

I spent an hour or so in my shed,

just thinking about what to do,

I have the kernel of an idea,

I just have to think it through.

I washed out the bin with the hosepipe,

at least now it doesn’t smell,

then I gathered together some old tins of paint ,

and some old brushes and rollers as well .

I set about painting the dustbin,

and after a couple of hours,

I stood back to admire my handiwork,

It was now adorned with some brightly coloured flowers.

I put an old crate inside it,

and a pot full of flowers on top of that,

to my surprise, it actually looks good,

and I put it by the front door on the mat .

I’d made a good job of painting flowers on the bin,

along with the real ones, it looks nice and bright ,

“I think I might change my mind, and keep it,”, I said,

but someone stole it later that night.

I love a bit of reverse psychology .

Mark Crump July 24©️

15 views2 comments


Alison Blevins
Alison Blevins
Aug 01, 2024

Yay, the tale continues, who stole the bin next? Brilliant fun - thank you


John Wood
John Wood
Jul 31, 2024

This could end up as a mini series on Netflix!

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