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DADJOKU-The Spirit of Haiku


I tried writing a haiku.

It’s a lot harder than it looks

I’ve never done it before

I googled how it’s done

Five words then seven then another five

Seems to be the pattern


thought I’d try something new,

Combining a dad joke with a haiku,

I call it a Dadjoku

Using that as a framework

I wrote the following bits and pieces

In the spirit of haiku

# 1

Today, from Amazon, I purchased

A single egg and a single chicken,

I shall let you know

# 2

You carried the coal in,

Whistling, ‘I’ve got you under my skin,’

A Cole Porter tune , coincidently

# 3 ( with due regard to Dick Martin of “the cowpats” )

If you fancy a chat,

About my persistent condensation problem, pop round

The kettle is always on.

# 4

I am reading about antigravity,

An interesting book that I am finding

Very hard to put down

what do you get if

you take a joke and combine It,

with a rhetorical question....?

Mark Crump©️2024

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3 Kommentare

Very interesting poem, Mark! I love the way it draws the reader in…


About haiku, 2 books come to mind that might point you to the basics of haiku.(free, from the Foundation library)

1)    Haiku Techniques by Jane Reichhold (PDF)


2)    How to haiku by Jim Kacian



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Martin Pickard
Martin Pickard
15. Apr.

A great new form! Proper comedic poetry. If you want to learn about Haiku you should check out our member @Stella Pierides who is a master/mistress of the art. Stella is on the board of the Haiku Foundation who run a program called Haiku for Parkinson's which is awesome.

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Antwort an

Cheers we all need a laugh now and then…Thanks for the info I’ll look her up

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