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Diagnosis Day. 6th Feb 2015

Updated: Apr 21

A Doctor’s Diagnosis

( you may need a dictionary…I did )

Ah Mr Crump, do come in and sit down,

let me just get your file ,

Yours is a very unusual case,

I’ve been studying it for quite awhile

Your Tardigrade tendencies and excessive Succussion

When found together, as on this occasion,

are fairly good indicators of what it is,

that seems to be causing your Titubation

add to this your minuscule Griffonage,

and your troubles with deglutition,

and your symptoms seem to point towards,

two specific but totally different conditions .

This would explain your general feeling of unease,

and could be the reason for your mounting Pantophobia,

I’m sorry to say ,Mr Crump, that you’ve either got Parkinson’s Disease,

Or Hippopotomonstrosequippedaliophobia.

Or possibly both

Mark Crump April 2024 ©️,


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4 comentarios

Oh that's cleverly done and with the right dose of wit or should I say jocoseriousness

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And I thought my diagnosis was confusing. Well done Mark

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Nigel Smith
Nigel Smith
20 abr

Welcome Mark!

Bravo! Light, intriguing, with a enough to trigger thought on a serious matter.

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Contestando a

Thanks Nigel, I’m enjoying the site immensely and I’m having to exercise my self restraint not to post something every couple of days. I’m enjoying going through the back catalog there is some good stuff in there , and it’s really nice to be amongst people who can share their experiences and stories with a common bond between us..

keep up the good work, stay positive and try to be happy, I find it does make a huge difference


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