This is a form known as a Double dactyl (or limerick on steroids!). It is usually humorous and consists of two stanzas, each comprising three lines of dactylic dimeter ( . . . . ) followed by a line consisting of just a choriamb ( . . ). The last lines of these two stanzas should rhyme. The first line of the first stanza should be repetitive nonsense, and the second line of the first stanza should be the subject of the poem. There is also a requirement for the second line of the second stanza to be a single double dactyl word! It sounds complicated but you will quickly get the hang of it (if you enjoy that sort of thing!).
Tracily racily
Lady Penelope
Talks to her teapot and
Paints her cars pink
Being unenlightened, she
Smokes with a holder and
Likes to wear mink.
I don't know what's more entertaining the poem or the poetic banter 😂
Cryptical croptical
Poet with Parkinson's'
Opening stanza is
Perfectly clear.
But, in his second, he
Jumbles his meaning and
Loses me there!
Goodily woodily
John Wood poetically
Posts on this website and
Sets us a task
Counting all metrics near
Writes with his dactyls and
Answers his ask.