Xmas has come and then it's gone.
Decorations down, that's all been done.
Now cold and wet January arrives.
Doesn't look good, it's wet and grey.
No chance the sun will shine today,
But smile as I watch the buds survive.
February, the days are beginning to grow.
Snowdrops put on a welcome show.
Wind blows and bends the trees.
Light a fire, stay in, keep warm.
Spy some lambs - just been born.
The sun shines now and starts to tease.
Warmer days, promising what's to come.
March is here, here comes the sun.
Turn the ground, prepare the soil.
Anticipate the season ahead.
Garden wakes up, no longer dead.
Bounties of the earth on which we toil.
Spirits rise, see shoulders lift,
As April brings its seasonal gifts.
Longer days and life abounds.
Winter forgotten, spring in the air.
Trees get dressed, no longer bare.
Birds are busy, listen to nature's sounds.
Oh the joy! we say hello to May.
Nights now shorter than the day.
Smell the BBQ starting to cook.
Faces smile as our spirits lift,
As nature offers up its gift
Giving back what winter took.
Long we've waited for the month of June,
Never seems to come too soon.
The sun is up and now we bake.
Welcome now a warm summer breeze,
Singing through the rustling leaves.
Blue skies, to another day we wake.
The sun is high up in the sky
As we saunter on into July.
Children playing, laughter abounds.
Now is the time for holidays.
Pack a bag, put cares away.
The air is full of joyful sounds.
August - complain about the heat.
Try to sleep under a sheet.
Where is the rain? Ground's too dry.
Walk along the esplanade,
Have a beer and seek some shade.
Had one salad too many, you cry!
The bounties that September shows,
Are found in blossoming hedgerows.
Days shorten, weather cools,
Wildlife will work much harder,
As they strive to fill their larder.
The season changes, nature rule.
October next to arrive.
Halloween, knock on the door, surprise!
Treats at the ready in the hall.
Wear a sweater, the fire needs lit,
Warm yourself in front of it.
Leaves change colour and start to fall.
Crash and bang as fireworks fly,
Lighting up the winter sky.
Guess what month we're now in.
Start to think of presents to buy.
Time passes on so fast, you sigh.
Consol yourself with tonic and gin.
Another year has been and gone
With carols we sing a festive song
We'll drink and eat too much you say.
Together people will celebrate
From the birth of Christ to Xmas cake
And it all starts again on New Years' Day!
Life’s rich tapestry - well described.
"That's the Circle.... The Circle of life" :-)